- Austrālijas galvaspilsētas teritorija
- State of New South Wales
- State of Queensland
- State of South Australia
- State of Tasmania
- State of Victoria
- State of Western Australia
- Ziemeļu teritorija
Lielākās pilsētas Austrālija
- Sidneja, State of New South Wales
- Melburna, State of Victoria
- Brisbena, State of Queensland
- Pērta, State of Western Australia
- Adelaida, State of South Australia
- Gold Coast, State of Queensland
- Kanbera, Austrālijas galvaspilsētas teritorija
- Newcastle, State of New South Wales
- Wollongong, State of New South Wales
- Logan City, State of Queensland
- Geelong, State of Victoria
- Hobārta, State of Tasmania
- Townsville, State of Queensland
- Kērnsa, State of Queensland
- Toowoomba, State of Queensland
- Dārvina, Ziemeļu teritorija
- Rockingham, State of Western Australia
- Launceston, State of Tasmania
- Bendigo, State of Victoria
- Ballarat, State of Victoria